
At CMU we use this lab in place of the Performance Lab. Students write a general-purpose 
cache simulator, and then optimize a small matrix transpose kernel to minimize the number
of misses on a simulated cache. This lab uses the Valgrind tool to generate address traces.
Note: This lab must be run on a 64-bit x86-64 system.
在 CMU,我们使用这个实验室代替性能实验室。 学生编写一个通用缓存模拟器,然后优化一个小的
矩阵转置内核,以最大限度地减少模拟缓存上的未命中数。 本实验使用 Valgrind 工具生成地址跟踪。
注意:本实验必须在 64 位 x86-64 系统上运行。


This directory contains the files that you will need to run the CS:APP cache lab, which 
develops the student's understanding of caches.
In this lab, the student works on two C files called csim.c and
trans.c.  There are two parts: Part (a) involves implementing a cache
simulator in csim.c. Part (b) involves writing a function that
computes the transpose of a given matrix in trans.c, with the goal of
minimizing the number misses on a simulated cache.

Each time a student with login "foo" compiles their work, the Makefile
automatically generates a handin file, called foo-handin.tar, that
contains the csim.c and trans.c file. Students hand this tar file in
to the instructor.

The driver program ( evaluates the correctness of the cache
simulator in csim.c, and the performance and correctness of the
transpose functions in trans.c. See the writeup for details.

- The lab must be done on a 64-bit x86-64 system. 
- The driver requires a version of Valgrind (<>) that
supports the "--tool=lackey" option.
此目录包含运行 CS:APP 缓存实验室所需的文件,其中包括
在本实验中,学生处理两个名为csim.c的C文件和trans.c的C文件. 他们由两部分构成:(a)部分: 涉及实
现一个在csim.c中的缓存模拟器. (b)部分: 在trans.c中计算给定矩阵的转置,目标是最大限度地减少

每次登录为“foo”的学生编译他们的作品时, Makefile自动生成一个包含csim.c和


- 实验必须在 64 位 x86-64 系统上完成。
- 驱动程序需要一个版本的 Valgrind (<>)

这次实验的任务很明确,就是制作自己的缓存系统,具体来说是实现一个缓存模拟器,根据给定的 trace 文件来输出对应的操作利用缓存机制加速矩阵转置的运算.

安装VALGRIND:sudo apt-get install -y valgrind

二. Files

Makefile		Makefile that builds the Lab
README			This file
archlab-handout/	The files handed out to the students
grade/			Autograding scripts
simguide/		CS:APP Guide to Simulators document
src/			Master distribution of the Y86-64 tools
sim/			Student distribution of the Y86-64 tools (subset of src)
writeup/		The architecture lab writeup

三:Building the Lab

To build the default version of the lab, modify the Latex lab writeup
in ./writeup/cachelab.tex for your environment. Then type the following
in the current directory:
        unix> make clean
        unix> make
This will build the cachelab-handout/ directory and its
cachelab-handout.tar archive that you can handout to students.
The command:
	unix> make dist DEST=<DIR>
will copy the tarfile and copies of the writeup to directory <DIR>,
where the students can access it.

四:Handing in the Lab

Each time a student with login "foo" compiles their work, the Makefile
automatically generates a handin file called foo-handin.tar. If you
want to autograde the handins, collect all of the student handin tar
files in the ./grade/handin directory.

五:Autograding the Lab

You can run the driver program manually on each student's handin, or
you can use the autograding scripts in ./grade to automatically grade
each of the .tar files in the handin/ directory.

See ./grade/README for instructions.
您可以在每个学生的handin 上手动运行驱动程序,或者
您可以使用 ./grade 中的自动评分脚本来自动评分
handin/ 目录中的每个.tar 文件

有关说明,请参阅 ./grade/README

